Encourage learners to page through info in a notebook with this fun template.This super-rich tabbed template has all kinds of layouts you can customize for your needs.Give your learners a realistic, modern interaction using this iPad-themed user interface design.
Challenge your learners to take a chance with the Magic 8 Ball in this whimsical template.Get this “A Day in the Life”-themed template to incorporate tons of videos and images in an elegant, clean layout.In case you missed them, now’s your chance to collect ‘em all! You’ll get 13 free e-learning PowerPoint templates in all kinds of styles, including tabs templates, iPad- style layouts, and creative menu designs. Are you feeling the love-the PowerPoint love? This summer, Trina lightened the load for many E-Learning Heroes with a series of versatile, gorgeous PowerPoint freebies to help you jumpstart all your blazing-hot e-learning projects.